Mindful of the environment in which we are growing, we wanted to standardize the efforts of each employee with this ISO 14001 norm.
This norm is one of the created norms by the ISO Organization (International Organization for Standardization).
Today, more than ever, the environment and its values are the heart of everyone’s concerns. Techné Group decided to pass the standard ISO 14001 to the entities. This standard gives us a framework to carry out daily concrete actions to preserve our planet.
The auditor’s opinions:
The management system including both environment and quality is effective in the context of continuous improvement.
The system is mature. All employees use the system’s documents.
The system is adapted to the structure.
Coherence between policies, risks, opportunities, objectives and targets: there is evidence of coherence between these different points of standard.
Créat aims to improve its environmental management by deciding to implement a strategy of identification and analysis visible below: